Ways to Get Involved at Francis Burns UMC!
Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Ministry exists to partner with God and pray on behalf of those who need intercessory prayer.
Meets every Wednesday for Sweet Hour of Prayer from 5:00-6:00 PM
Contact Phone:
Access Code: 695-712 #
College & Young Adult Ministry (CYA)
“The College and Young Adult Ministry is a safe space where interested individuals, ages 18 – 40 come together to foster Christian dialogue and community.
We meet every other Thursday from 6:00 – 8:00 PM.
From 6-7 PM we eat dinner and fellowship. The lively unfiltered discussion continues from 7–8 PM as we discuss Scripture and lean in to how we really feel!”
Worship Ministry
The purpose of the Worship Ministries is to ultimately and entirely bring glory to God. The primary means of fulfilling this goal is by collectively leading and aiding members of the Body of Christ in corporate worship. Reading the Bible, praying, singing songs that express our faith in God and declare it to the world and reflecting on it to help us to know more of God.
The committee assists the Pastor in planning the worship service and its contents as well as planning special worship services throughout the church year. The committee consists of several ministries that help create a team effort in accomplishing its goals. These include usher board, greeters, music ministry, dance ministry, sound and video ministry, communion stewards, youth and children’s ministry, evangelism, prayer ministry, and Christian education ministry.
The committee meets quarterly the third Thursday of each month at 6pm but during the peak of special services such as Advent and Easter, the committee will meet monthly.
Higher Education Ministry
Goals: Higher Education Ministry of Francis Burns provides support to graduates in our congregation via mentorship. Our newly formed Mentorship Program consists of volunteers who are chosen to mentor our graduates and in turn, graduates/mentees that chose to be mentored. Their mentorship efforts include support of the local collegiate ministries with prayers, love, financial support, care packages, and notes of encouragement. Information is also provided to graduates about scholarships that are available from the annual conference and other organizations.
We are also responsible for educating the church about the United Methodist Church’s work in higher education through the church’s social media platform. Also, high school graduates and those who graduate from college are recognized the 2nd Sunday in June each year during our Baccalaureate Ceremony. The HECM Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 p.m. via zoom unless otherwise rescheduled because of conflicts within the different ministries.
Children & Youth Ministries
4:12 Youth Ministry
The 4:12 Youth Ministry is a ministry for teens in grades 6-12.
They participate in Children & Youth Service on the 2nd Sunday each month along with district, state and national youth conference events such as Immerse and Revolution.
They also volunteer in the church and community in various service projects.
The 4:12 Youth Ministry meets every 2nd Sunday after church.
Children's Ministry
The Children’s Ministry is for all children
from birth to 5th grade.
They participate in the Children & Youth Service
on the 2nd Sunday each month.
They also complete service projects within the church and community.
Freedom Schools
The Francis Burns UMC Freedom Schools® program has been operating since June 2014. This program operates for six weeks, beginning from the third Monday in June through the last Friday of July. The program serves thirty scholars (students) grades third through eight. Each class is led by a Servant Leader Intern (SLI) (college student) with a total of ten scholars per class. Other staff includes an executive director, project director and the site coordinator. The project director and site coordinator manages the daily operation of the program.
Freedom Schools focus is the operation of a six-weeks program that works to enhance reading skills and cultural proficiency though daily interaction with the SLIs and other staff along with guest consultants. The scholars are treated to well-rounded summer experiences that enhance their educational and social skills.
These experiences may be in-person or virtual. Examples of experiences in addition to reading, are STEM activities, social emotional learning, Robotics, African Drumming, public speaking, and financial education, plus many others.